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2745 West Layton Avenue, Suite 102 Greenfield, Wisconsin 53221
(414) 331-8626

Transformation of Mind & Body
Through Holistic Health & Wellness
Ionic Foot Detox FAQs
What is the difference between a mammogram and a thermogram?They are different tests. When used together studies show up to a 61% increase in survival rate. Thermography is a FDA-approved, safe, comfortable and extremely sensitive procedure that can be used to assess an individual's risk for breast cancer. Thermography is a non-invastive, no-contact, radiation-free way to image. Thermography captures information from your body. It's as easy as having your picture taken. Thermography is a risk indicator that cancer might show up. Just because a thermograpm shows a risk does not mean there is disease present. It can mean there's a risk for disease developing in the future. It's important to know that breast thermography signals risk, mammography locates, ultrasound confirms, and biopsy establishes diagnosis.
Is Thermography new?It's not. Thermography actually has an awesome history! 400BC Thermography actually is dated back to Hippocrates in ancient Greece. He placed clay onto bodies and reasoned that sick areas make more heat and dry more quickly to identify potential problem areas. 1800 Sir William Herschel discovered infrared rays. in 1840, his son John Herschel created the first heat image by transferring a thermal impression to paper. This was the first thermogram ever produced in history. 1868 Carl Wunderlich established the relationship between temperature and health. Prior to this, it was thought that temperature was only measured for scientific purposes. Carl Wunderlich recognized that when body temperature is elevated, i.e. a fever, it's a sign disease is present. 1956 Dr. Ray Lawson approached the US government to de-classify infrared technology for medical research. Dr. Lawson is often referred to as the Father of Modern Thermography. 1982 The FDA approved thermography as an adjunct examination for breast cancer detection. Images that are taken instantaneously with today's technology used to take 45 minutes to capture. Imagine, as the patient, trying to stand still for that long!
Is Thermography approved by the FDA?Yes! In 1982 the FDA approved breast thermography as an adjunctive breast cancer screening procedure.
At what age should I get a thermography scan?For certain scans, we can generally scan anyone above 18 years of age. It is recommended a woman wait until she is 20 years old to receive her initial Breast Scan. Breast thermography can be a very important screening tool for the 25-49 age group (before an annual mammogram may be recommended). This is important as younger women tend to have more dense breast tissue, making it difficult for radiologists to see a tumor on a mammogram. Breast cancer in younger women also tends to be more aggressive making thermography critical in detecting any early signals.
I don't want a breast scan, how can thermography help me?"Themography is a risk assessment for injury and diesease present or risk of same in the future. Thermography can detect sub-clinical thyroid disorders as well low grade dental infections. Thermography can visualize circulation (or issues with same). Really, thermography can be for anyone. Let's chat about your concerns to undestand how thermography can help you!
I suffer from chronic pain, what can thermography tell me?"Pain an be inflammation, muscular, nerve or circulation issues. Chronic pain is a big issue in diagnosing conditions for medical doctors. Individuals with chronic pain usually suffer from multiple conditions that overlay each other. While a medical doctor may identify a component of the issue, thermograhy can help identify other causes as well. Thermography is sensitive enough to detect low grade inflammation before people even feel pain so this is valuable to potentially identify early.
Are you a doctor? Who reads my images?I am not a doctor, however, a doctor does review the images and provide a report. Dr. Robert Kane, DC, DABCT, FIACT Doctor of ChiropracticDiplomate American Board of Clinical ThermographersFellow International Academy of Clinical Thermology Dr. Robert Kane is a Certified Thermographer and an outsourced, independent contractor that I contract for the purposes interpreting my Thermography scans. Dr. Kane is based in California and brings over 20 years of experience to the field. He holds Diplomatic Certification with the American Board of Clinical Thermographers (ABCT) and the International Academy of Clinical Thermology (IACT.) He also holds Fellowship with the International Academy of Clinical Thermology and has furthered his knowledge of breast applications under the tutelage of Dr. William Hobbins, one of the world’s leading authorities (and from Wisconsin!). His personal mission is to transform women’s fear of breast cancer into empowerment toward prevention. Dr. Kane currently serves on the board of IACT and ABCT and provides private thermography interpretation services to more than 20 centers globally. Dr. Kane is not an owner, employee, or agent of my company, and does not oversee my operation.
Will my insurance pay for my thermography scan?Although breast thermography was approved by the FDA in 1982, most insurance companies do not cover this procedure. Some insurance plans will allow payment with your flex spending or health saving account. Renew will not bill your insurance company.
What forms of payment do you take?Renew prefers a credit or debit card. We will take cash as well. Sorry, personal checks will not be accepted.
What kind of camera do you use?I use the Spectron IR Clinical Infrared Imaging System. It is intended for adjunctive diagnostic screening for the detection of breast cancer and other uses such as: peripheral vascular disease, neuromusculoskeletal disorders, extracranial cerebral and facial vascular disease, thyroid gland abnormalities, and various other neoplastic, metabolic and inflammatory conditions. The Spectron IR camera comes highly recommended by doctors and is approved by the FDA.
How long until I get my results?Your results are delivered in the form of a report. We will schedule a consultation call to review the report. The report generally takes 7-10 to receive from the date the images are sent to Dr. Kane.
How does thermography work?Our body is always emitting heat and with thermography we can measure and map the heat patterns and make a graphic representation to detect abnormalities and risk of disease or injury of the body part being imaged. Thermography can be used in detection or injury and disease as well as predicting who may be at risk of developing injury or disease in the future.
I have enhanced breasts. Can thermography help me?YES! Absolutely. Thermography scans are no touch, no compression and no radiation. Therefore, quite comfortable. Since we're scanning the blood vessels and temperature, your enhanced breasts can still be scanned. We'll make note of it for the interpreting doctor when we send your images.
Other than a breast scan, what other types of scans do you do?"In addition to a breast cancer risk assessment, we can scan: Upper body including, upper back, arms, hands, neck, face, up to your head Lower body including lower back, abdomen, thighs, legs and feet. Cranial including neck and face. These scans can help determine the cause of pain in the body as well as assess risk for sports injury. Thermography can visualize circulation in your head and extremities. Thermography can visualize spinal nerve function and function in the extremities. Thermography can also detect thyroid gland abnormalities, low grade dental infections and skin cancer risk assessment.
How often can I get a thermography scan?Because thermography does not involve radition, you may safely get a thermography scan as frequently as needed. When you receive your initial report, the doctor will make a recommendation for a 3-month, 6-month or annual follow-up depending on your risk levels.
What can I expect the day of and during my scan?When you book your scan, you will receive the patient protocol form via email, which you must adhere to for an accurate scan. If you do not adhere to these pre-examination instructions, we may have to reschedule your scan. When you arrive for your scan, we will spend a few minutes reviewing your history and paperwork. After that time, you will partially or fully disrobe and acclimate to the room, which is approximately 68 degrees. In certain instances robes will be offered, but they cannot be offered for breast scans. I will leave you in the examination room partially or fully unclothed for 15 minutes. During that time, your body will acclimate to the room. Its important that you do not touch the body part intended to be scanned during that time. It's also critical that you are not on your cell phone or any electronic device during hte acclimation timeframe. With approximately 5 minutes remaining in your acclimation period, I will re-enter the room to prepare the camera. Then, we will take the series of images of your selected region and I will verbally guide you through your positioning to capture the images.
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